When everyone had packed down and left the BodyPower building, Simeon Panda was still there! This guy is so humble. He's catapulted to success over the last few years and success hasn't his personality doesn't seem to have faulted one bit.

I was happy to bump into Simeon and his lovely girlfriend Chanel (aka ChanelCocoBrown) and have a quick chat about life for them both right now. Simeon mentioned how he is so well received in LA, and that out there is actually where most of his audience and following is, not here at home in the UK...So I guess it makes more than enough sense to uproot life and live out there as him and Chanel have done. I wouldn't mind the LA life myself too, I am sure! Like me, Chanel did mention how she loves London! She mentioned how London is home but "for now, being out there (LA) works". They are able to travel back and still spend time here in the UK too, so it's best of both worlds! The couple stopped what they were doing to catch up with me. They were packing down Simeons SP Asethics stand that had been visited and enjoyed by thousands of his fans over the weekend. It was great to see them both working so hard right up until the end of the weekend when everyone else had gone home. At this point the exhibition hall was almost empty and there were definitely no athletes in sight!- A perfect demonstration of how putting the extra effort in has paid off for Simeon so far and how he is sure to keep climbing higher! Good genuine graft gets you places and KEEPS you there!
Here is a little video I managed to grab with Simeon before chatting to the #fitcouple!
